For stimulus presentation, we use a 32" BOLD screen from Cambridge Research Systems at 3T, 7T as well as the mock scanner. In the psychophysics/physiology lab we use a Display++ from the same manufacturer.
Visual stimuli are commonly defined in terms of DAC values for the video card. These values tend to scale from 0-255 but the luminance on the screen is not linearly related to these values. Instead, there's a power-law that determines this relationship (y=x^g), but the gamma parameter (g) for this function needs to be determined by measurement. Luminance was measured for all screens using a Minolta LS-100 luminance meter, available for loan at the NIN (Mechanotronics department, Joris Coppens).
To calculate the normalized luminance (Lnorm; i.e. when maximum and minimum luminance are represented by 1 and 0, respectively):
Lnorm = (D/255) ^ g
To calculate the absolute luminance (Labs) in [cd/m2]:
Labs = Lmin + (Lmax - Lmin) * ((D/255)^g)
To transform your DAC values to 'linearized' DAC values (Dlin; i.e. such that the original DAC values have a linear relation to the output luminance):
Dlin = EXP(LOG(D/255)/g) * 255
Dlin = ((D/255)^(1/g)) * 255
D = DAC value
g = gamma
Lmax = maximum luminance [cd/m2]
Lmin = minimum luminance [cd/m2]
This file contains example measurements, scripts, output, and a short explanation.
If the screen does not show any image (also not the test screen) when powering up, check the LED at the back (pinhole). Green indicates nominal function, red malfunction. If red, reseating the SD and power-cycling the screen may resolve the issue.
For pdf version of the instructions on Setting the correct screen layout, resolution and refresh rate on the 3T-stimulus computer, see: Editting screen properties of the stimulus computer
Setting the correct screen layout, resolution and refresh rate on the 3T-stimulus, v1.0
1. In case of problems, first open "NVIDIA control panel" (right-click in the desktop)
2. Under "Set up multiple displays", make sure
3. Under "Change resolution", make sure
4. Close NVIDIA control Panel and open "Screen resolution" (right-click in the desktop)
5. Select display 1 and click "Advanced settings"
6. Next, go to the tab "Monitor"
7. Make sure "Screen refresh rate" is set to 120Hz and select OK. Close the window by clicking X in the top-right corner.
8. Do the same for the cloned displays 2|3 (go through steps 5 to 7).
9. You are set for a three-monitor setup after step 10. If you require a two-monitor setup (because your task is not programmed to set up the displays correctly), untick display 1 in step 2. After completing your experiment, please enable display one and go through the steps above.
10. Close all windows by clicking X in the top-right corner.
See BOLD hoist.