When pulling the table out, stop when 'table out' LED turns on. Don't pull further than backside of bed. When undocking, the bed will be pushed back the remaining centimeter.
Move table to fully outer position before resetting or undocking
In case the table operation does not respond, try the following options:
Follow manual operation, see above
Press the '''in''' button longer (~5 seconds). After a while the table goes into some sort of stand by mode, a long press can wake it up again.
Try stop/reset multiple times. Wait.
3-finger reset (takes 2 minutes). Wait. Repeated if needed.
Undock table (follow procedure above). Wait 1 minute before docking.
Manual undocking: upper switch at lower right hand of the magnet:
up: undock - careful: connector will come out of docking station!
center: ready to dock
down: dock(?)
CDAS reset (see elsewhere on this wiki)
If table beeps, bed position is lost, probably caused by not resetting not in outer bed position. Follow manual operation, see above.
If all fails, the table can be pushed in manually:
bed must be docked and connected.
go to manual mode by pressing Stop: red lights on bore will turn on. Push the small safety handle/lever at the front bottom of the bed and push the bed in. Do this slowly! Pushing the bed in usually requires two persons on each side.
The bed is in the iso-center when aligned which the edge of the bore / 2nd pencil line on the bed. In all cases, call support, and/or Anton/Cor from Philips. Explain what was scanned/happened beforehand and report date/time.
Instructions below can provide guidance when recovering from specific situations and are in addition to document “Instructions for Use Appendix: 7T FastTrak Couch” (part.num 4535 675 32953; doc id DMR124708).
Follow this procedure with patience, and give the table controller time to react on your commands. In case of not responding motorized movement, try steps below. When table reacts on commands and shows normal behavior, it not necessary to perform other steps in this procedure.
First check if light, fan, music up/ down buttons (buttons#3-8) reacts;
Press light up or down button (button#3 or 4) and hold for 2 seconds to wake the table controller from sleep mode.
Check if light, fan, music up/ down buttons (buttons#3-8) reacts;
Press the stop button (button#1; big red) and reset button (button#2; small grey) and retry movement.
If necessary: retry this step 3 times;
Press stop button (button#1 big red) and move table manually fully outwards. (Pull the table top all the way to the mechanical end).
Press reset button (button#2; small grey) and retry movement;
Press stop button (button#1; big red) and move the table top manually fully outwards. (Pull the table top all the way to the mechanical end). Make sure that the full out LED (LED B) is on.
To reboot the table controller: Press ctrl+alt+del (button’s# 4, 6 & 8) and wait for battery LED (LED C) to turn green.
In case of the LED (LED A) near the big red button is on, press stop (button#1; big red button) and reset (button#2; small grey);
Press the stop button (button#1; big red) and move table manually fully outwards. (Pull the table top all the way to the mechanical end). Make sure that the full out LED (LED B) is on. Press the reset button (button#2; small grey) and retry movement;
Press the stop button (button#1; big red) and move table manually fully outwards.
To reboot the table controller: Press ctrl+alt+del (button’s# 4, 6 & 8) and wait for battery LED (LED C) to turn green.
In case of LED (LED A) near big red button is on press (big red button and) reset (small grey);
If all fails undock and dock and repeat this procedure (once) when necessary.
In case of beep sound after a reboot: execute this procedure form step 3.
Does NOT automatically scan SENSEref and CoilSurvey
¶ Making a new Reference Scan - Always Repeat Prescans
The scanner will always use the first valid reference scan for reconstruction. So for instance when removing patients from the scanner mid-session, a new reference scan needs to be made. Same goes for the case where the angulation of shimming of the reference scan was off. Importantly, if a new reference scan is made, always select "Repeat Prescans" from the menu to make sure this new reference scan is used!
The MTX-Volume-T/R-coil needs 4500 watts where 3800 watts is allowed .
B1 cannot be reached, lower value (to 17, 15 or lower, set to 15 in example below):
Check Contrast --> B1 mode: change from Default to 15.
For T1, FLAIR, MP(2)RAGE and other scans with inversion pulses: check Contrast --> Inversion control: max B1 (uT). Set to same value as B1 mode (also 15).
To find the detailed error message: Use logging application or log browser to query log file. Reported in log file as 'Average Forward Power Fault'.
One should try not to change the ref scales in System Tuning - however if you do, then keep the RATIO the same between the two ref scales for the two transmit channels (on Classic).
Coil parameters are not set correctly. Perhaps not added to a patch? Check settings above.
Occasionally, the host pc will go into a setup mode on booting (see image). Press escape to return to windows.
Error: Coil coupling matrix abnormal. Caused by scanning phantoms. Scan Control Parameters --> Preparation --> CCM switch off.
Apply (Do NOT save). Revert back after finishing scanning phantom.
The B0 shim from MRCode is included as a PRIDE job under the actual B0 scan. It crashes regularly and its progress/success should always be monitored. You should see three matlab windows appearing with (1) your B0 map (2) the brain-extracted B0 map and (3) a histogram of field values. The bottom histogram should show a narrower distribution than the top one. If this 3rd window did not appear, your shim did not succeed and you should not continue scanning.
For all MRCodeTool modules, including the shimming one, you can use the following:
The window opens but nothing happens: press ctrl-alt-delete, remove the PulseClient and PulseServer processes, start a second PRIDE job. To add a PRIDE job, right-click on the scan (not on the failed job), choose PRIDE Research, B0map (or other) and proceed. Monitor progress. Check under the contrast tab that the shim values have been read in.
The PRIDE job crashes straightaway (red cross): Most likely the pride process has crashed. Open a command window, type "permproc" and look for ProcessingService. If it is "not running", type permproc start ProcessingService. Then start a new pride job. Monitor progress. Check under the contrast tab that the shim values have been read in.
Killed PulseClient but still nothing happens: Time to reboot PRIDE. Open a command window, type permproc stop ProcessingService (confirm that job has now crashed) and then permproc start ProcessingService; make a new PRIDE job. (In this case, it really is safer not to copy the crashed one). Monitor progress. Check under the contrast tab that the shim values have been read in.
If the phase unwrapping of the B0 map is not complete, then the MRCodeTool module will not be able to find a good shim solution. You may notice the remaining phase wrap in the popup images, or you may simply have a terrible EPI image as a result. If this happens, you can do two things:
calculate the shim using Compass (start Compass.exe, choose tools, choose B0-mapping, enter input filename ('G:/patch/pride/tempinputfiles, I think), hit 'run')
re-run the B0-map with a smaller deltaTE. 0.8ms instead of 1 is usually enough.
The MRCodeTool can deal with two types of MP2RAGEs: those acquired with the MISS (including T123DEPI and MP2RAGEME data and everything acquired with FatNavs) and those acquired with all other patches, also known as the 'cardiac phases' MP2RAGE.
MP2RAGE (1 scan, all patches but MISS)
Use the MP2RAGE job. Only the PRIDE jobs will write data into the database (not the gui). The parameters for the T1-maps are taken from the file starting with variablesettings_... in E/Export/MRCodeTool/PulseClient/. Make sure you use variablesettings_clean.txt. If the file contains lines with 'inversiontime' then remove the file and replace it with original_variablesettings_clean.txt. The T1-weighted image and T1map can be viewed from the images tab on the scanner (i.e. not the list view).
MISS MP2RAGE (multiple scans)
Two jobs are required: 1 export job on MP2RAGE_INV1 and 1 mp2rage (2 inputs) on MP2RAGE_INV2. Note that MP2RAGE_INV2 is typically the first scan in the queue. You need to select the right set of settings for your acquisition and rename the wanted .txt file to variable_settings_SOMETHINGRELEVANT.txt. Please put back the clean one after you finish! If there is no variablesettings file for your experiment, you can quite easily make one following the instructions below:
FIRST_inversiontime_sec = inversion time MP2RAGE_INV1 / 1000 (because this is required in seconds but specified in milliseconds).
SECOND_inversiontime_sec = (shot_interval MP2RAGE_INV1 + 0.5*TFE_dur_shot/acq(ms) MP2RAGE_INV2 )/1000
MP2RAGE_repetitionTime_sec = shot_interval MP2RAGE_INV1/1000 + shot_interval MP2RAGE_INV2/1000 + dyn scan time FATNAV (if present).
Under R5 the data can be reconstructed (post-scanning) using some different recon parameters. Useful if you'd like to save also the separate coil images, calculate g-factors or interpolate differently. Raw data saving does need to be switched on, obviously.
On the post-processing tab of your protocol, switch on raw data saving.
Following running of the scan, right-click on finished scan -> delayed reconstruction.
Open the job it puts under your scan.
Edit the parameters you would like to change(matrix size, saving separate coils, etc).
Built-in RF shimming is (currently) done on the phase only: Relative Phase Nulling. The result is a phase difference, by which the coil transmit phases are adjusted. The scanner adds the RF shim angles (centered around 0) to Coil Tx phases. Search for "TransmitPhase" in the log file to find the shim results.
Manual shimming: Scan cycled FFE. Set Multichannel images: no (not supported by RFShimGUI). Export as PARREC. single B1+ maps. dyn relative B1 maps. Single Slice.
The EPI's (as used in functional imaging) are filtered in a post-processing step which causes signal loss in places with phase jumps. These are especially detrimental in areas with poor local shimming such as over the sinusses and ear canals. If you switch off the filtering, the artefacts disappear. To do this, one needs to:
open the Sequence Development Editor
In the tab Parameters, scroll down to RC, double click
On the right panel:
partial_matrix_filters: switch off (only 2nd element)
part_filt_window_np_dir and part_filt_window_p_dir set to 0
To do: perhaps only one of these options is required
Check if compressor in climate control room on office level is running (compressor located on the left, right after entrance). Pressure should be about 8 bar. Start with switch if pressure is low [picture to be uploaded]. Pressure takes minutes to build up.
Check meters in cabinet at the back of CDAS (how to remove panel? Ask Cor/Anton).
Pressure meters should look approx. like this: [picture to be uploaded]
Might have an error in shim gradients (HOS error or fault, i.e. higher order shimming).For reset:
Enter on the computer: "permproc stop scanner"
Turn off the 3 switches (at the bottom) of the shim gradients in the technical room. Turn off in following order: Middle, Right, Left and wait a couple of seconds
Turn on the 3 switches in reversed order
Enter on the computer: "permproc start scanner"
¶ Airflow in magnet bore is insufficient (typically after bi-monthly emergency power test)
Caused by the building's climate control system not rebooting, resulting in too limited airflow to the scanners. Call 88, describe the problem!
For certain protocols, the gradients may approach their critical temperature (65 degrees). When this happens, the scan will abort and you will have to wait until the gradients have cooled down completely (~30 minutes). To avoid this, you can switch on the multimeter on the desk (set to Volt) and monitor the temperature while you scan. The reported value is temperature in degrees C/10. E.g. 5.5 means the gradients are at 55 degrees.
Procedure testing/resetting compressors Helium pump: 2 small cubic devices in the far right corner. The green light on the left device should be flashing. Check messages on small LED-displays: scroll with arrow up/down buttons. Should all be OK, not ERR. Temperature of tubes should be below room temperature (i.e. cold). To reset: press OFF. You should hear it switching off. Wait, and press ON, again hearing it switching on. To hard reset: Press OFF. Wait. Turn small black switch from I to O. Wait. Turn back to I. Wait. Important: press ON to turn the compressor back on.
Turn on by switching the switch in the console room to ON. Turn off after use! The visibility range in the vertical direction is from -4 to +3 on the desktop image. This means that at the top ~10% of the screen cannot be used.
During office hours, contact front office on phone number 88, option 2
Regelkamer: 62900 (outside office hours)
Ed de Klerk: 06-30005770
Tom Emke: 020-5662305, 06-22452389
Roelofsen: 68103